Bringing Python to FRC

But wait, you ask, isn't Python already available for FRC? You're right! Python has been available to teams for programming FRC robots since 2011, so this isn't exactly new news. Even though RobotPy has been a community project not officially supported by FIRST, over 45 teams successfully used it to program their robots during the 2022 competition season.

What is new? We're pleased to announce that WPILib is bringing RobotPy into the family, with the goal of making Python an officially supported language for the 2024 season!

What about the 2023 season? While it's not going to be officially supported by FIRST at events during the 2023 season (so a similar state of support as previous years), we'll be adding Python documentation and examples to the WPILib docs, aligning release cadences, and doing other things to integrate it with the rest of WPILib. We're especially looking forward to working with the FRC community and CSAs to build familiarity with the language and tools over the coming year so we're ready for a 2024 launch!


  • Are Java, C++, or LabView going away? Definitely not! We know teams have knowledge and resources for their current language choice. We’re working to add Python as a supported language to enable more teams to feel comfortable with FRC programming. We continue to recommend teams use the language they feel most comfortable with.

  • How do I get Python support during the build season and at events? In 2023, you will have the same support Python teams always have! When officially adopted, CSAs and other key volunteer training will be updated.

  • Will FIRST definitely make Python an option in 2024? We are working with FIRST to make it happen, but the exact rollout season is going to depend on it being ready. Right now we believe 2024 is achievable, but continue to follow the WPILib Blog for updates on the project.

  • How can I help? As with WPILib, RobotPy is an open project that all members of the FIRST community can easily and quickly contribute to. See the RobotPy documentation for more information on contributing. If you run into a problem with RobotPy that you think is a bug, or perhaps there is something wrong with the documentation or just too difficult to do, please feel free to file bug reports on the GitHub issue tracker.

  • For other frequently asked questions about RobotPy features, see the RobotPy FAQ.

  • Is Python awesome? Yes it is!

Peter Johnson